Mencakup baik persiapan tes atau ujian TOEFL maupun IELTS yang dibutuhkan untuk pendaftaran sekolah dan kuliah luar negeri baik untuk S1, S2, maupun S3
Mencakup baik persiapan tes atau ujian TOEFL maupun IELTS yang dibutuhkan untuk pendaftaran sekolah dan kuliah luar negeri baik untuk S1, S2, maupun S3
Sebagai penyelenggara kursus GMAT dan GRE terbaik di Jakarta, anda akan mendapatkan apapun yang dibutuhkan untuk mendapatkan skor yang tinggi, dan tips menghadapi tantangan yang muncul sebagai pelajar Indonesia yang ingin melanjutkan S2 dan S3
Dengan success ratio diatas 50%, kami menawarkan konsultasi bagi para pelajar dan profesional di Indonesia untuk dapat melanjutkan studi S2 dan S3 di universitas terbaik dunia seperti 8 universitas yang tergabung dalam Ivy League atau universitas yang tergolong dalam B School
Sebagai lulusan perusahaan-perusahaan Management Consultant terbaik dunia dibuktikan dengan success rate yang tinggi, kami akan membantu anda yang ingin bekerja di salah satu perusahaan tersebut untuk dapat melewati tahap case interview
09 June 2024
As aspiring candidates embark on their journey to conquer the GMAT/GRE, one question looms large: How to score high on GMAT/GRE?
First, understand that mastering GMAT/GRE takes time. It demands time, patience, and consistent effort. Many falter by underestimating the time required for preparation. Be ready to dedicate at least a year to thoroughly grasp the intricacies of the exam.
Here are some key insights to consider as you gear up for the GMAT/GRE challenge.
Do not rely on instinct.
GMAT/GRE is designed to assess analytical and reasoning skills, often tricking test-takers with excessive information and convoluted wording. This can lead to you missing a key detail or using real-world assumptions to answer the question. For example, an argument mentions an increased revenue of a company, and you choose the answer that covers profit because of the real-world association between increased revenue and profit.
To navigate around this, you need to understand what’s being asked. Every GMAT/GRE question has to be dissected properly: understand the question, determine the important information to focus on, and come to the most logical answer. To do this within the allocated time requires deep understanding of how GMAT questions are formulated and what to focus on for every type of question.
Understand the concepts tested.
To study effectively, you first need to understand the different types of questions that exist in GMAT/GRE. For example, Critical Reasoning is one of the two concepts tested in GMAT Verbal, but each Critical Reasoning question tests your ability to do different things, such as identifying assumptions, inferring a conclusion, or identifying the premise of an argument. Understanding these is key to determining a systematic way to approach each question type.
Identify your strengths and weaknesses.
A lot of people focus on quantity over quality when studying GMAT/GRE; simply churning through questions without reflection. Identifying your strengths and weaknesses is actually a key step in GMAT/GRE prep. You need to take the time to review where you go wrong or how you get a question right. This will determine what you need to improve during the course of study. Ultimately, knowing your strengths and weaknesses will help you make a strong strategy on exam day: how to allocate your time, what questions to skip, and what questions to spend more time on.
At TOGA, we recognize the importance of a comprehensive approach to GMAT preparation. Our classes not only delve into the fundamental concepts but also empower students to discern their strengths and weaknesses, enabling them to score high on GMAT/GRE. By guiding candidates through a structured curriculum and personalized feedback, we equip them with the tools necessary to excel on test day. Check out our courses here.